Manchester, UK

Did you know that walking boasts the lowest dropout rate of any physical activity, a fact celebrated by both the British Heart Foundation and the American Heart Association? It’s a low-impact exercise that’s gentle on the joints, making it ideal for those with orthopedic concerns, heart conditions, or anyone working towards a healthier weight. But here’s the real eye-opener: research indicates that for every hour of regular exercise, you could potentially add two hours to your life! Suddenly, that stroll around your local park becomes a lot more meaningful!

Introducing Walk with a Doc, a program designed for everyone in the UK keen on improving their lifestyle. It’s a concept that started in the heart of the USA, specifically Columbus, Ohio, back in April 2005, thanks to the visionary Cardiologist Dr. David Sabgir. Since then, it has expanded its reach worldwide and now has a dedicated presence in the UK.

You’ll have the opportunity to gain insights into current health topics from a local doctor, followed by an hour of enjoyable walking and friendly conversation. It’s a fantastic way to stay active, connect with new people, and reap the myriad benefits of walking, all right here in the UK. Choose your own pace and distance—it’s your journey to make.

Best of all, this program requires no special gear or complex rules, and it won’t cost you a penny. Join our walking group for a safe, enjoyable, and free way to get moving, discover health insights, and forge lasting friendships, all inspired by the American origin of this incredible initiative.

City and State:
Manchester, UK

Upcoming Walks:
Check Back!

Walk Location:
Alexandra Park – 180 Russell St. Manchester, M219HY (Meet at the Pavilion)

Click here to sign the waiver before your 1st walk. Our chapter number is 23121

Lead Physician:
Julia Humphreys, MBChB, Family Medicine

Contact Information:

Thank You:
This program made possible thanks to our Generous Donors!