Join a Walk – FAQs

Walk with a Doc FAQs

Who can join Walk with a Doc?

Walkers and rollers of all ages, fitness levels, and backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to attend these ongoing, FREE events.

What happens during a walk?

At each Walk with a Doc event, the participating healthcare provider begins with a brief discussion on a current health topic and then participants spend the rest of the hour enjoying a healthy walk and conversation. During the walk, participants are encouraged to ask questions in a relaxed setting.

When is Walk with a Doc?

Each Walk with a Doc community leads weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly walking opportunities. The partnering organization chooses a day and time that works best for the population they serve.

Where can someone find the closest Walk with a Doc location to them?

Walk with a Doc is located all around the nation and the world; find a Walk closest to you by using the search tool on the Walk with a Doc website. If there isn’t a location nearby, you can take this flyer to your healthcare provider to encourage them to start a chapter.

Why participate in Walk with a Doc?

Walking is one of the best things you can do for your health. Many diseases, conditions, and ailments can be prevented or even healed by participating in regular physical activity. To learn more about the health benefits of walking, click here.

While Walk with a Doc was originally started to help people become more active, the benefits of the program far exceed a simple walk! The power of physical activity, health education, social connection, and spending time in nature combine to form an all-in-one prescription for a healthy life. To learn more about the benefits of joining a Walk with a Doc program, click here.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

If you have questions about a specific Walk with a Doc program, search our map and reach out to the contact listed on the chapter’s webpage.

If you have questions for Walk with a Doc headquarters, you can contact us here.