Start a Walk

Start A Walk Chapter

Thank you for your interest in increasing the health and happiness of your community!

Since 2005, Walk with a Doc has helped thousands of healthcare providers and community leaders start walking programs in communities around the world. Each “chapter” offers free events throughout the year that begin with a brief discussion on a current health topic, followed by the opportunity to walk and talk together as a group. The program focuses on four key elements: physical activity, health education, social connection, and spending time in nature.

We are here to support you – every STEP of the way. Our team provides turn-key resources to help you hit the ground running walking! Start a new chapter in your area and receive all of the tools below for as little as $700. If cost is a barrier for you or your team, please know that we’re a nonprofit and have several funding options to help thanks to the generous support of our donors and sponsors.

Fill out the information below for next steps and to receive our Guide to Getting Started.

Use the calendar below to schedule a call. If you can’t find a time that works for you, please email with your availability and we’ll find a time.

We hope to start a walk in your city someday! Feel free to sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date on new chapters.


Contact Information

If you’re not affiliated with an organization, please enter your last name.
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Please share a little bit about yourself, your plans for starting a WWAD program, and/or any questions we can answer for you.
Are you (or a healthcare provider you’re working with) a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine?
If so, the TMA will sponsor your chapter!

Hear what other leaders are saying about their experience: