Chicago, Illinois

The CEERIAS (Community Engagement for Early Recognition and Immediate Action in Stroke) team wants to ‘”CEERIAS-ly”  help YOU,  in taking steps for a healthier lifestyle.  We invite you to come out for “A CEERIAS Walk with the Doc”

Walk Details:

Kroc Center (Southside Chicago)

  • 2nd Friday of the month 11 am – noon
  • 1250 W 119th St, Chicago, IL 60643
  • Click here to sign the waiver before your 1st walk. Chapter # 5188

This unique education-outreach program was developed when our community partners and our CEERIAS community-based stroke education promoters, challenged us to develop programming that not only was inclusive, equitable and diverse, but also promoted access to high quality education, about the treatment, prevention and research surrounding heart disease and stroke. Our CEERIAS leaders felt strongly that linking the knowledge gained from the programming – to action – in the form of exercise (partnering with Walk with a Doc), was the best and ONLY prescription we would write!  

WALK WITH A DOC is a FREE walking program for everyone interested in achieving a healthier lifestyle.  What better way to start your path to better physical and emotional health, than on your feet making strides to help your heart and improve your general health. When the Chicago weather gets unreasonable, we march on, and convert our walks into indoor dance sessions! 

Under the direction of WALK WITH A DOC local area Program Lead, Neelum T. Aggarwal, MD and her healthcare team that consists of physicians, medical students and extended care providers, participants will be able to have the opportunity to have their questions answered by her or by other health care specialists while walking a route at your own pace. Walk with a Doc welcomes walkers of all ages and experience levels. All fitness levels are encouraged to spend time with their neighbors, talk with a doctor and take a step toward better health. 

The experience begins with a 15-minute presentation by the Doc and the team. After the presentation, the doctor will lead a 45-minute walk that is open to all community members. No registration is necessary.

Need a reason to join us? Here are five (5) good reasons to walk!

  1. Walking reduces stress, helps you relax, and improves your energy levels.
  2. Walking works all major muscle groups.
  3. Walking lowers your risk for diseases like heart disease, diabetes and stroke.
  4. Walking does not cause as many injuries as other workouts.
  5. No equipment is needed … just a good pair of walking shoes. You also don’t need a gym membership.

This program was started in Columbus, OH in April of 2005 by a cardiologist – Dr. David Sabgir -and has expanded throughout the world. The CEERIAS team is honored and thrilled to be a part of Walk with a Doc.

You don’t need any special gear and there are no special rules. Just put on a pair of comfortable shoes and walk alone, with friends, a partner or family or with a group. It’s a personal preference. Remember though, we will be WALKING!!!!

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NOURISH (flyer)

CEERIAS Study Founders:
Shyam Prabhakaran, MD| Vascular Neurology | Co- PI–CEERIAS

Neelum T. Aggarwal, MD |Cognitive Neurology |Co-PI- CEERIAS, @DoctorADDA

Knitasha Washington, DHA, FACHE | Co- PI – CEERIAS, ATWHEALTH

Contact Information: