Bellevue, Washington

Walk with a Doc is a walking program we are starting in Bellevue for everyone interested in taking steps for a healthier lifestyle. You’ll take a few minutes to learn about a current health topic from Dr. Nathalie Acher, then spend the rest of the hour enjoying a healthy walk and fun conversation! It’s a great way to get out, get active, and enjoy all the benefits that come from walking. Walk at your own pace and distance. You don’t need any special gear and there are no special rules. Our walking group will be a safe, fun, and FREE place to get some steps, learn about health, and meet new friends.

City and State:
Bellevue, Washington

Powered By:
PNW Family Medicine

Upcoming Walks:
Check back soon

Walk Location:
Bellevue Downtown Park

Click here to sign the waiver before your 1st walk. Our chapter number is 15592

Lead Physician:
Nathalie Acher, MD, Family Medicine

Contact Information: