Good morning. First and foremost our love goes out to all of our friends in Florida, the Carolinas, Cuba, and everyone that has been or will be affected by Ian. Here is how you can help. There was a game-changing event in the health world this week. Every day, millions of us are afflicted with food insecurity and diet-related […]
Month: September 2022
Happy Fall
DisclaimerThis segment of the newsletter contains moments of satire that should not be taken seriously. Good morning, I feel you and I are close enough, so I’ll just say it. This is the best week of the year for me. Pumpkin Spice season has hit its full stride. We’re driving fast with nothing ahead but […]
Every Step You Take
Good morning! I must confess. Daily/monthly step counts have become important to me. To the point where I needed to dive deeper and figure out just exactly why. Before we jump in, what actually is a good daily step count? 7,500 (or more) – at least according to this study in JAMA. Here’s why I find step counts important: 1. Physical activity and all the beautiful […]
Advancing Wellness Through Nature
At Walk with a Doc, we believe that the power of physical activity is amplified even more when it takes place in nature. In September 2021, we partnered with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and we’re excited to partner with them again this month as part of a movement to promote health, nature, and local parks […]