Good morning! There are countless emails you could open this morning and you chose ours. That makes us feel great. I was already in an absolutely wonderful mood, so let’s just keep this train rollin’ Did you make any NY Resolutions for ’23? I didn’t really either. That said, I will share what I’ve got and I know it shouldn’t be embarrassing to me, but it is. Since it’s just you and me, why not? In 2023 I want to spend a little more time doing quiet, mindful things like journaling (if you think these newsletters are wacky…?), walking the dogs at 5:30am without headphones, just sitting in nature and listening. Also easy, maybe 10 mins of meditating. I don’t know how or why it works, it just does. Stuff like that. Please don’t share. We’re a little lopsided here because I don’t have any inside info on you. One more, I want to spend more time texting, emailing, hanging out, and simply spending time with friends. The medical data coming out on social connection is supporting (in a big way) why it viscerally feels so good. I want to be very happy, which is what my friends do for me. Many (MANY) of us do feel lonely and that is something that we (you/me) have the power to fix. At WWAD, we believe in action and we have the power to totally light up others around us (thank you, Dr. Boone). Also, I want to wear more socks. But, really that’s pretty much it. I’m far from perfect, but little bites, correct? I wanted to share a few articles that I found helpful since we last met: 1. This is a well-done article on sleep, and if you follow the rabbit hole, someone talks about sticking their head in a freezer (please remind me to put that in our disclaimer below) 2. This is a cure for halitosis that I pray one of my dogs will read (I’m not going to share which one). They’re poodles and everyone tells us, ‘those poodles, they’re so smart’. Well, Henry, time to manifest your destiny. Mom and I are going to Kroger tomorrow so just make a list. 3. This article made waves in the blood pressure world. For me, this was a big ‘phew’ because chlorthalidone, anecdotally for me, has been a challenge. Ahhh, 2023. It feels so good, so clean, so fresh. Seriously, take a deep breath…doesn’t it smell good? (Oh, I get it…he must be wearing socks). Seriously, 2023? AH! I love it!! You’ll see below we are welcoming North Dakota for the Very. First. Time. If you have the same question I asked Bryan yesterday, it’s 47.We’re still missing New Dakota, South Hampshire, and New Mexico. Wait, is there a South Hampshire? I might have mixed a couple of those up. Happy New Year my friends! Disclaimers: Don’t put your head in a freezer without speaking to a physician. I am actually aware of the names of our states. Debbie Boone by all appearances appears to be a wonderful person and that was not meant to be derogatory, but rather a humble brag that I am well aware of the hits of 1977. david |