Disclaimer #1: In reality, the colonoscopy I had was possibly the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I had put it off for a year, being fearful of all the reasons you can imagine. Well, there was no need for that. With the medications they give you, I don’t remember a single thing. As in, ‘We’re going to give you the medicine now’ and next thing I’m sitting in a curtained-off recovery bay, done. Krissy smiling and holding my hand, asking how it was.
I felt guilty. It was easier than easy.
Now on with the show…until the next disclaimer.
Good morning! What a beautiful March 8th it is. You’re like aware but March is…
National Colorectal Awareness Month!
This being NCAM, we wanted to try something entirely new for the newsletter. As we speak, I am currently in an endoscopy suite, lying on my left hip as I type on my laptop (something they strongly warned me *not* to do).
Last night’s prep was easy and Dr. Thompson has already given me 5mg of Versed and 50mcg of Fentanyl, so now I’m feeling fun.
Or funny? Fun, I’m feeling fun.
Anyway, the WWAD staff wanted to raise awareness for the benefits of exercise in preventing/fighting colon cancer. So, we contacted…
I guess we’ve started.
Soooo, umm, we contacted Dr. Thompson who was…was…was…was willing to help us out today. Thank you, Dr. Thompson.
If he wasn’t currently focused on other things, Dr. Thompson would tell you that major studies have been definitive in this area. They have shown that people who exercise the most are 24% less likely to develop colon cancer than people who exercise the least. And amazingly, they studied people…
Excuse me….wow! I’m sorry.
Okay, so…whew…
They studied people who have had Stage III colon cancer and received surgery and follow-up chemotherapy. Those who walked six hours a week (between 2.0 and 2.9 miles/hr) were almost 50% more likely to be alive and free of cancer than those who were less active. 50%! Are you kidding me? What’s amazing about exercise is there are dozens of other diseases where the benefit can match or surpass these incredible findings. (look at this newly released study on death reduction)
Maybe it’s the Versed talking, but isn’t exercise miracle drug kind of stuff?
“That’s it, David. Your study is done.
Nurse Seymour is going to help you get down from the ceiling and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Wow. That wasn’t too bad. Thanks, Dr. Thompson! And to think I was worried about my colonoscopy…”
Disclaimer #2: To be clear, David was not given any sedation for this fictional colonoscopy. He does hope that everybody that should be screened gets tested. This newsletter is dedicated to all our patients and friends fighting this battle and exhibiting tremendous bravery as they do so.
(‘strollin through the colon‘, huh? dang, I wish I thought of that)
Disclaimer #3: This newsletter was written by Dr. David Sabgir and the team at Walk with a Doc headquarters and does not necessarily represent the views of our local WWAD chapter leaders.