Good morning!
I hope you’re doing well and thank you for your time.
Tuesday, our 11:45 a.m. office patient came way early (never a bad thing). This left a solid hour before our next visit. It was 67, sunny, and quickly seeming like it would be a crime if I didn’t head across the street. I found a lot on that trail.
I found peace. To stand at the start of that trail and see 11:58 on my watch knowing I had 3.8 miles and over an hour of the open road in front of me? You can’t buy that.
I found beauty. Abundant yellows, purples, and lush greens blanketed the entire park. The park smelled incredible. Thank you crazy week of rain.
I found connection. Ironically, I ran into a neighbor that I had not seen around for a while. It was great to catch up.
I found preparedness. Countless skinny squirrels running around. Each and every one of them with a big old nut in their mouth.
I found energy. For some strange reason Tuesday I didn’t have that 2:30 fade they talk about on TV (10 minutes of walking gives you 2 hours of energy).
I found separation.
I found promise. There were tons of budding trees, ducklings, and goslings (sorry everyone, not this one).
I found silence.
I found creativity. Hello, April 19th newsletter and what we had for dinner ;)
I found inspiration. Many people of all shapes and sizes were pushing babies, walking with friends, listening to music, smiling, focused, and a little sweaty, all giving that paved loop their best shot. All getting 40-90% reductions in cancer, heart disease, anxiety, depression, dementia, arthritis, etc. All raising their HDLs, their metabolism, and their self-esteem.
There is always a lot to find on these trails. I hope you can ‘trail’ this weekend.
p.s. I’m starting to recommend this book to all my patients looking to improve their sleep.