The Walk with a Doc program in Arlington, TX recently celebrated their one-year anniversary of walking together! The walk coordinator, Jamie Harton, reached out with a few stories to share from the past year:
“I love seeing the energy of the seniors who have participated and committed to setting walk goals and giving their best knowing that WWAD provides a safe way to walk with the help (as needed) of volunteer walk partners.

Ms. Geneva Powell is the amazing woman pictured here using the walker. She’s typically wheelchair-bound, but with the help of her granddaughter (on the left) and our OT student volunteers (on the right), she’s able to walk with us and get some exercise! To see her expression of accomplishment is a great reward.
Dr. Keegan McKay is the Assistant OT Professor at St. Augustine that I coordinate with regularly to provide this experience for his students. Having their involvement has really changed the experience of the seniors participating as they can assist with exercises for those who have more mobility issues and has led to other partnerships with other universities and programs.

Ms. Sharon Williams is our newest participant. She has been blind from birth but has overcome challenges experienced. She brings her seeing eye dog, Wiggles, with her but through the use of our volunteer walk partners (Penny Bradley pictured), she can safely walk the gym. She enjoys having conversations based on the WWAD presenter topic and we’ve been able to connect with her on a deeper level.
Ms. Elizabeth Nash is one of the walk participants from our Ft. Worth chapter. She just turned 100 this past May. Although she does not drive anymore, she is determined to get to the Como Community Center to ensure that she can participate in Walk with a Doc each month.

I’m so in awe of all of our participants as they, in turn, encourage me. Together, we enjoy having important health information accessible to us while also promoting the benefits of walking and exercise at the same time!”
Jamie Harton
Director of Community Initiatives
Sixty & Better