Good morning, Family!
Welcome to a special Saturday edition newsletter.
Oh my goodness that’s right, it’s Saturday, December 21st! Today, already!!
If you’re like me, you’ve already been thinking about family, food, sleep, football, and Lego (that last one may just be me).
You all deserve this upcoming break. You have most definitely earned it.
Our brains are fueled by the rest.
Our bodies are re-fueled by it.
Please enjoy your deserved respite and please permit yourself to veg out. That is normal.
This holiday tip newsletter aims to be slightly different from the 13 others you will get today.
I’ll go first, but then we want your holiday tips. We all have them.
We will include our favorite 5 next week jit for NYE.
The newsletter this am is going out to 37,346 people.
I estimate about 5 or 6 people will read it.
Maybe just 5.
Dear 5 people,
Please respond to this email with your holiday advice. Next week will be super embarrassing otherwise.
Okay, my personal go-to’s:
1. Eat your favorites
…and please don’t feel guilty. It’s all about volumetrics (please see below).
For our long-distance athletes at the party, I find this similar to skipping an early water stop. Yes, you’ll feel a little better about moving up in the race, but you might wish you had grabbed that cup later. Please enjoy why you have the chance. You’re right, they may not be there tmo.
2. Eat a handful of nuts 30 minutes before dinner.
3. Stay hydrated – I know, old news – but it works. 64-80 oz of water a day will do the trick. You might consider positioning yourself to have most of that fluid in your system before the pies, cakes, and cookies hit the table.
4. Go for a walk after dinner – surprise!
20 minutes or more and RIGHT after dinner. (You don’t have to yell, David. If I want to walk, I will. How would you like to have only 4 readers next week? How would that feel, Dr. Yeller Guy?)
5. Crowd out
This, of course, is what we are doing with the nuts and the water. Let’s keep it going. If we are all lucky, there will be fruits and veggies – consider filling a lot of your plate with those first. Yum, yum, yum. Open up the hanger…here comes the airplane (vroom…vroom…vroom).
bon appetit!