Shining a Light on Rural Health in America Nationwide Observance of National Rural Health Day 2018
Rural Health Information Hub
Walk with a Doc
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Brodka
Hamilton doctor walks community through benefits of going for a stroll
Coronary Artery Disease – The Inside Scoop
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Good morning! There are several myths surrounding CAD. I love myths. One big one is that stents prevent heart attacks in patients suffering from stable angina – they don’t. Another is that pigeons blow up if they eat uncooked rice. Back to stents, they don’t prevent Jack Squat. Actually, they likely prevent you paying your hospital bills […]
The Truth About Vitamin C
The Walk in Niles, OH has been meeting every month at the Edgewood Mall for the past 5 years. Shirley Lisk, WWAD Champion and Manager of St. Joe’s at the Mall, says, “Walk with the Doc has brought a new approach to doctor/patient relationships. Our participants are excited to hear from the doctors that come. […]
Sandpoint, ID
Health District Hosts, “Walk with a Doc”
Good morning! Do you ever have those days when you know there’s an idea just a couple layers under the surface? Maybe a shower, maybe a cup of coffee, or maybe a walk will pop it? Maybe it won’t. This Monday night, around 8pm, I left the house barefoot, for a walk, on a mission to think […]
Pattern Here?
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good evening! Thank you for joining us for Walk with a Doc Newsletter – Under The Lights Edition. Can you find a pattern in these bullet points? Dr. Annemarie Sommer Scholarship – Matriarch of our first WWAD chapter. Real-life Superhero. World-Class Geneticist. The reason that thousands of medical students around the […]
El Dorado, AR
Doctors work to get more people active by moving with them
Boulder Community Health
September’s Walk with a Doc: Fall Prevention Focus