Surgeon General: Medical professionals must boost emphasis on prevention
Category: WWAD International News
Walk With A Doc Celebrates 10 Years of Taking Steps to Better Health
Walk With A Doc Celebrates 10 Years of Taking Steps to Better Health
CDC – Mall Walking: A Program Resource Guide
Check out this CDC-funded Mall Walking Guide!
The Manila Times
Taking steps to reduce very high triglycerides
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
In it Together: Building a Culture of Health 2015_RWJF_Presidents Message We intend to help our nation increase its demand for healthy places and practices by promoting systematic change in policy, laws and living conditions. We will provide data and tools that communities, agencies, organizations, institutions and individuals need to make better health a priority at […]
Kinesiology Today
Wallking with Docs – Columbus Ohio cardiologist David Sabgir told patients repeatedly to get more exercise. He eventually realized his talks weren't making much of an impact. So, he decided to walk the walk instead and asked a patient to join him for a walk on the weekend.
CV Quality SmartBrief
Taking to the streets with patients
Cardiology Today
'Walk wth a Doc' to improve patient fitness, education When David Sabgir, MD, of Mount Carmel Clinical Cardiovascular Specialists, felt like he was not reaching his patients when it came to improving their CV health, he realized he had to take a different approach if he really wanted to make a difference.
The Wall Street Journal features WWAD!
To Get in Shape, Walk with a Doc Off the Couch: If you need motivation to exercise, consider Walk With a Doc. The nonprofit program has 148 chapters, mostly in the U.S., offering free 30- to 45-minute doctor-led walks in parks and malls. The goal: to encourage people to get the 150 minutes a week of […]
Homewatch CareGivers
Walk with a Doc Walk with a Doc is a regular gathering in a public park in your city where a doctor—and sometimes other health experts—meet up with members of the general public to take a walk together while also learning more about good health.