Good morning and Happy Oops (!)
So good to see you – I have a wild story to share!
Oh, first, a little bookkeeping from WWAD World HQ – starting a lot of new chapters but we want to share some gratitude.
Thank you to the Harvard Heart Letter for validating their own physicians, Dr. Simin Lee and Dr. Catherine Hwang, and, in doing so all of our WWAD leaders around the world.
Second, thank you to the Orlando Sentinel for keenly raising awareness with this beautiful article.
Finally, for those of you who want to know what to eat? The latest rankings are here!
Ok, back to this office – you won’t believe this!
This all started in our clinic almost 12 months ago, exactly. It was the Thursday before Elvis’ Birthday (January 8th), and we had Elvis posters with black lights in all the rooms. The one in Room 3 was particularly special (below). Michael S. was ready to be seen. He was referred for palpitations/racing heart at night.
Mike was a 59 y/o who, self-admittedly, had not kept up with his health. 5’8 and 232 lbs. He was a non-smoker, but his HgA1c was now up to 6.2% (prediabetes 5.7-6.4%), his BP was 142/91 (on recheck, 5 minutes later), and his right knee was hurting. He wondered if it was from the 80-ish extra pounds he was carrying. When I was listening to his lungs I saw a tattoo, in purple ink, on his left scapula (shoulder blade) that said 04-29-2032.
On physical exams, I’d seen many tattoos of dates that had passed, but never one in the future. I thought about it on the ride home that night, and honestly for many other times after.
Hopeful retirement date? A parent’s 100th birthday? No idea
Fast forward 6 months. His palpitations are only getting worse, along with his snoring – he wants to talk about beta blockers. BP on recheck was 164/93. HgA1c 7.4%.
This time, when I was listening to the lungs, the tattoo was gone. Well, until I pulled out the black light. It was still there only now, it was 10-13-2029! Same color. I could see ZERO evidence of the prior tattoo and, just between us, I focused hard while auscultating. How did they turn the 4 into a 0?
Now, I was even more confused. I had asked many friends over the past 6 months if they would have any idea why a tattoo of a future date.
Back to the visit.
Understandably, I was concerned for him. We talked about his declining health, his upcoming retirement, his desire to be active and travel. “I’m worried for you,” I shared. “We have to change things, now.”
His wife, Paula, asked if they could come back in 3 months – to keep him accountable. “Of course.”
3 months was this Tuesday.
Well, it turns out it’s almost miraculous what someone can do in 13 weeks.
His wife, Paula, didn’t even give him a chance to talk.
“Will you check his HgA1c today?
He has made a lot of changes. David, I think you scared him last time. He went Whole-Hog. We walk 20 minutes every morning AND when he gets back home from work. He stopped sweets. He had cake at our granddaughter’s birthday party last weekend but that’s pretty much been it. We stopped eating out as much and… and I just think he’s doing great.”
She takes a breath.
“What was his blood pressure?”
Mike’s sitting on the exam table with a half-smile. He’s proud and shirtless; he’s down 14 pounds. He’s gently swinging his legs letting his representative finish her opening statement.
“Yeah, his heart isn’t racing really at all and I think his snoring has stopped. I haven’t heard him recently.”
Nice work, my man.
At this point, I remember that tattoo that freaks me out and I don’t want to look because what the heck is it going to say now? I can’t help myself, where’s that black light.
Ok, that’s it!
I can’t take it anymore.
“Mike, I’ve got to ask you about this tattoo. What’s it mean, and why, and how, do you keep changing the numbers?” The words flood out of my mouth.
“What tattoo?”
Paula said it in unison and hopped up to look over his left shoulder where I was holding the light.
She was a little upset with him at first, but she quickly realized he had no idea.
“You got me doc! I have no idea what you’re talking about”.
He asked for a mirror.
Well, after spending time on PUBMED, Up To Date, and a few other websites I found a case report from 1977 out of Guadalupe. A clinic there had lost power (Hurricane Dorothy) and resorted to using black lights for 18 days. They reported seeing the same purple dates but there was no mention of them changing (no follow-up).
So, I’m here to add to the evidence that ALL OF US HAVE EXPIRATION DATES.
I believe we’re just the first to report that they change.
We can move our Expiration Dates forward or we can move our Expiration Dates back.
It’s almost entirely up to us, and no one can do it for us.
However, WWAD is going to do every single thing in our power to be with you in 2024 as you move your date back, way, way back.

Disclaimer: That patient visit and Guadalupe is a work of fiction. That said, the spirit of the visit and the belief that we have the power – non-fiction. The Elvis Poster? As real as you can imagine.