Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! Great to be with you. Rachael, Bryan and I get to work with health care visionaries that are seeing things differently. Of course, they’re prescribing the necessary medicines and ordering the appropriate lab tests and performing the right procedures. They are doing all the things they were trained […]
Yahoo Lifestyle
Spend more time outside – doctor’s orders
USC News
Walk with a Doc helps USC doctors and medical students connect with the community
Outside Magazine
Your Next Doctor’s Appointment Should Be Outdoors
Voodoo Zombies with a Doc
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! Wow, you are a bit early today! I haven’t even finished brushing my teeth yet. Please hold for, just, a, second. There…ahhh.. How are you this week? Hopefully as good as we are. I LOVE the Walk! I’ll get right to it, we’ve recently had some guests growing […]
Amityville physician leading conversation in LI’s version of ‘Walk with a Doc’
Unsung Heriones
Eleven local women earn state designation of Unsung Heroines of Massachusetts
Hastag Goals
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good Morning Goal-Setter! Where are my manners, I should’ve asked. Are you a goal-setter? I love goals but I don’t like talking about myself, so let’s talk about Kristin. She loves it when I talk about her in the newsletter. When my wife prepares for a marathon, she sets many […]
AAP – Why I Walk
Walk I Walk – Dr. Pam Greenspon
Forest Bathing, Nature Time Are Hot Health Advice