Pets to join Walk-With-a-Doc for world’s largest pet walk
Walk With a Doc Texas Breaks Records in 2018
A few small steps for a Tyler physician will mark a large milestone for the Texas Medical Association’s Walk With a Doc program.
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Click here to take our survey (if you haven’t already). Thank you! Good morning! I had a pretty cool day in the office, Wednesday. There were the normal ups and downs but it is always buoyed by the patients’ appreciation when we invite them to Walk with a Doc. Jennifer, my last […]
One a day…
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! Are you familiar with the phenomenon of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s)? I had one last Friday. You’ve heard of or read Proof of Heaven by the neurosurgeon? Same thing. Last Friday started off like any other. I had scheduled the day off to go apple picking with my wife. For years, I had heard […]
Rome News Tribune
Creating alternate routes: Reimagining healthcare between doctors and their communities
North County School News
Walking with the docs this summer
Your Hometown Stations
“Walk With a Doc” held at Lima Family YMCA
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! 400 is great, but you know what’s better? Love. I love you guys. We love you guys. That’s not Sue Schwartz in the green shirt – that’s Dr. Gerald Harmon – Tidelands Health (SC). He loves allllllllll those people he’s walking with. He didn’t tell me that, but you can […]
Emporians get out to walk with a doc
Pegg Student Leadership Award
Nurturing the Seeds of Change: Strengthening the Lifestyle Medicine Movement With the Donald A. Pegg Student Leadership Award