Doctors Headline 2018 Shift Festival
Dallas Medical Journal
Get those steps in – join Walk with a Doc (page4)
Dr. Sommer/Hawaii
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! We love you guys – hope it’s been a great couple weeks. We lost an incredible woman on the 20th, Dr. Annemarie Sommer. Annemarie was a pioneer and internationally renowned figure in the field ofdysmorphology. Closer to home, she was a beloved leader, friend, and steadfast presence at Walk […]
Moves Like Jagger
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! Do you smell that? Oh my gosh, doesn’t that smell so good! Seriously. Can you smell it? No? Oooohhh…I know that smell! It’s 400. That is the smell of 400 chapters (396 as of 6:30 am EST 7/20/18) Look at what you are doing?! You, YOU, are going through these non-conventional, non-traditional, […]
The Gazette
Live Well: Colorado Springs doctor preaches good health on Sundays
7 Ways to Stay Cool
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! How was your Fourth? Hopefully full of friends and family. Maybe your weather was a little toasty? Only one way to combat that… Today, we are going to talk about the 7 ways to stay coooool in these hot summer days. Are you up to date with your texting […]
That’s right, 300 new Walks means 1 million extra years of Intergenerational Dancing (as in the stuff going down at Bryan’s wedding this weekend)! (Awesome Thing #931) Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! How is everybody this a.m. Any questions before we get started? Wow. 20,000 people and not a single question? Ok, sweet. I […]
Iola, KS
Walk with a Doc Iola
New Program “Walk With a Doc” Sees Good Turnout, Looks to Keep Growing
Columbus News Team
New Program “Walk With a Doc” Sees Good Turnout, Looks to Keep Grow