Good morning! I would love to share a story with you this morning. This is the tale of a celebrity who passed away on July 4th, 1995, yet earlier last month, 28 years later, saved my patient’s life. Apart from the air being a touch more cool and damp than usual, it was a typical […]
A Breakthrough
Good morning! Let’s get right to it. Last Tuesday started like any other. I’d taken our two poodles, Phoebe (8) and Henry (2), for a dark and foggy, early morning walk and was settling down with a steaming cup of roasted coffee in our son Charlie’s room. With Charlie at school in D.C., it is […]
Come Grocery Shopping with Me
Good morning! “One day you will be welcome, Henry. Grocery stores of the future will bind together uniting in the agreement to let poodles roam their aisles as do we. Until that, handsome young, Henry. You will remain at home with your sister, Phoebe, protecting this house!” Henry tilted his head for the entirety of […]
Meet Carrie: Our New Executive Director
Good Morning! We’re excited to share a big announcement. With a lean team, Walk with a Doc supports chapters in over 500 communities around the world, but we’re just getting started. Destined for this, we launched a search for a new teammate to share our passion to help everyone enjoy the benefits of movement and camaraderie. […]
Walk with a Future Doc – Saint John, NB
Did you know that there’s a branch of our program called Walk with a FUTURE Doc led by medical students? These students step out of the classroom and volunteer their time to walk with community members and teach them important health information that they’re learning in school. Here’s what medical student Taylor Wilson has to […]
My Go-to Post Workout Smoothie
Many of my new cardiology patients find themselves inspired by their newfound awareness that over 80% of heart disease is preventable, diet and movement being the crux of that message. A lot of them thought it was predetermined, but that is not really the case. I still love seeing that sparkle in their eye when […]
WWAD Update
Good morning! Before we get started, here are 3 write-ups from this week that I found worth sharing. First, thank you Washington Post for publishing this important article by Ken Budd on how symptoms can be deceiving. Second, thank you Craig R. for sending me this NYT report on some super cool long walks. If any of […]
You had to know this was coming
Good morning! Look who came to our WWAD party, AI (artificial intelligence)! We would really appreciate your feedback on Option 1, 2, both, or neither. Option #1Get up and get moving, it’s time to start walking,A fun-filled adventure, we promise it’s not boring,Meet new friends, build social connection,With every step, feel a sense of affection. […]
Morpheus Descends
Good morning friends! The year is 404 BC, the location is Kos, an island off of Greece and I have no idea how I got here. I decide to explore my new surroundings. While initially, I am eager to discover this city bathed in marble, I slowly become more and more alarmed by the fact […]
Disclaimer: The Information and advice in this newsletter is not meant to substitute for your family’s physician or other trained health care professionals. Good morning! Hope this letter finds you well. What a great time of year this is. The weather is just about perfect every day. I need to share that this happens almost […]