That’s right, 300 new Walks means 1 million extra years of staring into the fire (Awesome Thing #304) Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! There are a lot of benefits about getting regular feedback from our WWAD chapters (please keep it coming). One of the cooler things is that you can sniff out a […]
Category: Dr. Sabgir’s Newsletter
Hey, were walking!
That’s right, 300 new Walks means 1 million extra years of When a little baby gives you a hug before she leaves (Awesome Thing #570) Secret Society Rumors This past week, there have been a number of articles swirling around suggesting that we have a Secret Society within our membership. If you haven’t seen them, […]
That’s right, 300 new Walks means 1 million extra years of The smell of freshly cut grass (Awesome Thing #838) Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! When we last checked in our Caped Crusader (Jessica) she was headed off to The Red. She left us with 2 things: (a) a tip of her cowboy […]
That’s right, 300 new Walks means 1 million extra years of ADRENALINE (Awesome Thing #934) Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! It’s raining happy and some sad this week. Today is Jessica’s ( last day in our World HQ. We’re happy because she has been an awesome presence for 3 and a half years […]
You’re gonna need a bigger boat
Using Rock-Paper-Scissors to settle anything (Awesome Thing #956) Remind me: Walk with a Doc is coming to 300 new communities by June 30th, 2018. We need your help. How can I help: Spread the word! Pick your favorite way to share each week from the options below. What’s in it for me: You’ll help to create 1 million extra […]
Lucky Day
That’s right, 300 new Walks means 1 million extra years of That one person who laughs when you tell a really bad joke (Awesome Thing #573) Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! How are you today? Things are beautiful here in Walk Land. While we don’t share the same sunsets as Wakanda, we do […]
Fight Song
That’s right, 300 new Walks means 1 million extra years of Eating the part of the cookie that fell into the milk (Awesome Thing #726) Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! I hope your day has started as great as mine has. Did you spend a couple moments in your Five Minute Journal? Jessica got these […]
100 Reasons
That’s right, 300 new Walks means 1 million extra years of Staying in your pajamas all day (Awesome Thing #554 Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! Today we offer up our updated ‘100 Reasons to Walk’. All of these are hyperlinked. Thank you for subscribing. 100 Benefits of Walking 1. Reduces blood pressure 2. Lowers cholesterol 3. Increase high-density […]
Reactive Hypoglycemia
Walk with a Doc Newsletter Good morning! I was so excited for this past Tuesday – a lot of fun stuff on my schedule. I just had a great night’s sleep (7-8 hours) and was getting bundled up in my Thermogear to embrace the winter. I’m out the door for an exhilarating early morning run. Huh, it’s […]
WWAD Against the World
Correctly Guessing the Actor/Actress Voicing an Animated Movie Character (Awesome Thing #578) Remind me: Walk with a Doc is coming to 300 new communities by June 30th, 2018. We need your help. How can I help: Spread the word! Pick your favorite way to share each week from the options below. What’s in it for me: You’ll help to […]